Metabolic Transformation

4 month commitment

This comprehensive program provides personalised coaching and support to help you regain control of your health.

Designed to

  • Address and potentially live free from Type 2 Diabetes.

  • Reduce blood pressure.

  • Shed excess body fat.

  • Reverse fatty liver.

  • Avoid chronic disease in the future.

  • Help you live with energy.


  • 12 Week programme to set you up for life.

  • 1 x 90 minute Initial assessment and detailed analysis of your health goals and health issues to date.

  • Review of bloods before and after.

  • 7 x 30 minute fortnightly coaching sessions tailored to your needs and progress.

  • Ongoing individualised support with via WhatsApp.

  • Resources – Meal ideas, Shopping Lists, Q&As.

  • Option to extend coaching beyond the 4 month period.

Learn To

  • Become metabolically flexible and turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

  • Align your body with your environment.

  • Improve your sleep quality.

  • Manage and reduce stress.

  • Optimise your lifestyle habits.

  • Develop your ideal body.

My promise to you

I limit the number of clients I work with each month to ensure that I provide you with the best possible service.

Together, we'll work towards your health goals at your own pace, enjoy the journey and achieve sustainable results.


£399 ($499)

What clients are saying

Client results

*Based on 15 clients over an average 4 month period

Lower blood glucose

Clients reduced their HbA1c by 26%
8 clients are now living free from Diabetes
3 clients are now below Type 2 Diabetes threshold
7 clients lowered Hba1c by 23 to 55%

Reduction of HbA1c by 15mmol/mol ║61 to 46
or 1.4% 7.8 to 6.4

Reduced blood pressure

Clients reduced systolic blood pressure by 10% and
diastolic blood pressure by 6%

Reduction of 14/6mmHg ║ 141/82 to 127/76

Weight loss

Clients lost 7% of their body weight

Reduction of 7kg(16lbs) ║ 99(218) to 91 (202)
2 clients lost 13kg or 30lbs

Improved Liver Health

Clients reduced their GGT by 47%

Average reduction of 36units/L ║ 66 to 35
Ideal range (5-20units/L)

Reduced Heart Disease Risk

Triglyceride/HDL ratio reduced by 57%

Average 2.8 to 1.2 UK units (6.5 to 2.8 US units)

Triglycerides reduced by 51%

Average 2.7mmol/L (239mg/dL) reduced to 1.3mmol/L (115mg/dL)

ApoB reduced by 14%

Average 83mg/dL reduced to 72mg/dL


Of the 8 clients prescribed medications 50% stopped 1 or more medications.

Subjective Measures

More energy

Improved and stable mood

Less hunger

Increased satisfaction

Not breathless after climbing stairs

Certified Primal Health Coach

Equipped with expertise in behavior change techniques.


How to end cravings, improve your energy levels and reshape your body composition without tracking calories or going on a restrictive diet.

Accountability & Support

Via fortnightly check ins and WhatsApp


Shopping lists, Example meal plans etc


Who is this program designed for?

This program is designed for busy men and women who want to improve their health, lose weight and prevent or reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Whether you're looking to improve your metabolic health, lose weight, or simply feel better, this program is for you.

How will this program benefit me?

This program will benefit you by providing personalised coaching and support to help you achieve your health goals. You will learn sustainable lifestyle changes that are enjoyable and effective, empowering you to take control of your health and unlock your full potential. You will become accountable.

How do I know if this program is right for me?

If you're looking to improve your health, feel great every day, lose weight with the bonus of reversing Diabetes, then this program is right for you. My personalised approach ensures that the program is tailored to your unique needs and preferences, making it enjoyable and effective.

Will I have to count calories?

My program emphasises sustainable lifestyle changes that are enjoyable and effective, rather than calorie counting or very restrictive diets.

We will work with you to develop a personalised nutrition plan that is tailored to your unique needs and preferences, making it easy to stick to and achieve your goals.

Tracking your food intake can be useful but this would only be for a short period of time.

Who is the programme not for?

Type 1 Diabetics.

Those prescribed Insulin in any form.

Pregnant women.