My Story

My interest in health and wellness started from a young age, and I've always been fascinated by how the human body works. I became a pharmacist in 2012 and currently work as a General Practice Pharmacist, running Diabetes clinics to help prevent and reverse pre and Type 2 Diabetes.

After diving head first into the world healthcare at 22, I began to realise that people were taking huge amounts of medication and weren’t getting any better, it was a stop gap at best. Working on the vascular surgery ward was a real eye opener, with over 90% of patients with completely preventable issues related mostly to poor metabolic health.

After a chance encounter with the guy cleaning my flat in 2016, he informed me he reversed his diabetes mostly through diet and lifestyle changes and not by following the conventional advice. This led me to a deep dive into all things nutrition, exercise, circadian rhythm, sleep, stress, breathing, sun and more.

In 2023, I completed my Primal Health Coach qualification, enabling me to take a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing of my clients. This aligns with my goal of helping 10,000 people reverse Diabetes by 2027 without medication or quick fixes.

My lifestyle

I spend a lot of time outdoors.

I enjoy the Gym or CrossFit classes, Football, Surfing, Stand-up Paddle boarding, Walking, Hiking, and playing Ultimate Frisbee.

My diet

I follow a high nutrient density to energy ratio diet (Primal Diet) which focuses on high-quality meats like beef, chicken, game, lamb, and pork, along with fish, seafood, pasture raised eggs, fresh and fermented vegetables, dairy, fruit, nuts and seeds, potatoes, rice, and dark chocolate.

I aim to eat the most nutrient-dense and satisfying foods most of the time but recognise that indulging in the occasional craving is also important for balance.

People I have learned a lot from

I have learned a lot from some of the top experts in the field, including Marty Kendall, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, Dr. Ted Naiman, Brian Sanders, Dr. Cate Shanahan, Mark Sisson, and Dr. David Unwin. I'm always looking to expand my knowledge and stay up-to-date on the latest research.

Achieve Your Ideal Body Composition | Dr Ted Naiman

How To Burn Fat Faster: The Primal Blueprint | Mark Sisson

Maximizing nutrition: nutrient-dense diets with Marty Kendall

Understanding Leptin resistance and circadian influence on metabolism with Sarah Kleiner

What I’m Reading

  • The Primal Blueprint

    Mark Sisson

  • The PE Diet

    Dr Ted Naiman and William Shewfelt

  • The Clot Thickens

    Dr Malcolm Kendrick

  • Deep Nutrition

    Dr Cate Shanahan

  • Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

    Weston Price

  • The Oxygen Advantage

    Patrick McKeown

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